Hi, I’m Jordan McCollum. I help creative writers learn to improve your sentences, scenes and stories so you can build better books and publish with confidence. I started Craft Your Fiction to help other writers steer the sea of contradictory and confusing writing advice to find the route to level up your prose and storytelling skills—and your confidence.

A proud writing craft geek, I’ve taught writing craft online and in person since 2009. My online classes have served groups of over four hundred members, and I’ve taught at conferences around the US and online. My classes are known for their actionable takeaways and deep knowledge and application of writing craft.

Here are some of the conferences and groups I’ve had the privilege of teaching at:

I’m the author of 1.6 MILLION published words in more than thirty novels about love, lies, secrets and (sometimes) spies. You can find my romantic suspense books on my website. I also write under three pen names: Di Davis for cozy mysteries, Diana Davis for historical romances set during the American Revolution (alternating with my coauthor Audrey Glenn), and Diana Audrey for contemporary romances (mostly alternating with my co-author under the same name).

I also write writing craft nonfiction. Check out my books on Character Arcs, Character Sympathy, Character Depth and character creation using the Enneagram for Authors.

I hold a Master of Fine Arts in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. See? Holding it right there. My graduating lecture was essentially an entire course on revision compressed into an hour. This is not advisable.

I’m also a certified teacher in the Enneagram Spectrum Method. I live in North Carolina with my husband, children and cats. When I’m not writing or teaching about writing, I like to knit, weave, make music and learn languages.