Craft Your Fiction: level up your scenes, sentences & stories
Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her forties with shoulder-length brown wavy hair, wearing a green shirt and navy capris, stands in front of a white table piled high with books. Her elbow rests on the books. Spoiler alert: she wrote them. And this isn't even all of them.

Hi, I’m Jordan McCollum

I help creative writers learn to improve your sentences, scenes and stories so you can build better books and publish with confidence.

What does it mean to Craft Your Fiction?

Hone Your Skills

Writing is an art and a craft—which means you can become an artisan.

Create With Care

As an artisan, you take the care, time and attention to create the best possible story.

Take Pride in Your Work

True success for an artisan writer is crafting a story you’re proud of, through and through.

Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her forties with shoulder-length brown wavy hair, in a navy shirt, sitting on a couch holding a laptop

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Invited to teach writing craft at these great conferences & organizations:

Storymakers Conference, American Night Writers Conference, The Writing Gals Conference, United Authors Association Conference, iWriteNetwork Conference, Storymakers Ink, Savvy Authors

About Jordan

A proud writing craft geek, I’ve taught writing craft online and in person since 2009. My online classes have served groups of over four hundred members, and I’ve taught at conferences from the United Authors Association to the Writing Gals to Storymakers and more. My classes are known for their actionable takeaways and deep knowledge and application of writing craft.

I’m the author of 1.6 MILLION published words in four nonfiction books on writing craft and more than thirty novels about love, lies, secrets and (sometimes) spies, writing under four names. I hold a Master of Fine Arts in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

I started Craft Your Fiction to help other writers steer the sea of contradictory and confusing writing advice to find the route to level up your prose and storytelling skills—and your confidence.

Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties with long brown hair, wearing a navy shirt, teaching in a conference classroom. Photo by Erin Summerill
Black and white photo: Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties with medium brown hair, wearing a patterned shirt, teaching in a conference classroom. Photo by Erin Summerill
Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her forties with long brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, teaching in a chapel in front of an ornate set of organ pipes. A screen with information about character arcs is on the left.
Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties, dressed in a master
A compilation of video screenshots showing Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties with long brown hair, in various locations sharing writing tips
Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties with short brown hair, wearing a pink shirt and black and white striped cardigan, teaches a class from her couch
Jordan McCollum, a white woman in her thirties with short brown hair, wearing a yellow pullover, teaches a class from her couch

Craft Your Fiction

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